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EUTURDI (EU-Turkey Relations in an Era of Differentiated Integration) studies EU-Turkey relations in light of differentiated integration (DI). DI is key for assessing the nature and evolution of EU-Turkey ties which are stalemated regarding Turkey’s EU accession. Three factors account for this. First, the EU’s crises in the last decade reinforced member states’ differentiated integration preferences, which fed into increasingly functionally-oriented ties with Turkey. Second, EU-Turkey functional cooperation over diverse policy areas has persisted, partly enabled by Turkey’s existing differentiated integration into the relevant acquis communautaire. Third, the functional and legal scope of this cooperation necessitates the emergence of a – yet uncertain – external differentiated integration (EDI) model between the EU and Turkey which can be established in parallel to Turkey’s de facto frozen accession track.

EUTURDI promotes EU studies both internationally and nationally. Internationally, it contributes to EU studies by focusing on the EU’s internal and external aspects as well as relations. Nationally, by embedding EU-Turkey relations in a DI perspective, it promises to deepen this angle of EU-Turkey studies.


  • Deepening teaching in EU studies via an enhanced curriculum comprising four essential and complementary courses to be yearly offered by the Chairholder.
  • Providing teaching and lectures to students from various departments in order to expand learning impacts on a diverse student body.
  • Encouraging, advising and mentoring the young generation of teachers and researchers in EU studies.
  • Conducting research on subjects including differentiated European integration, the rise of “different Europes” through EU crises, and EU-Turkey relations in an era of differentiated integration.
  • Organizing activities targeting academia as well as policy-makers and civil society.

Target groups

  • Students, academics and researchers with an interest in EU studies and EU-Turkey relations
  • Civil society, public administrators and policy-makers engaged and interested in EU-Turkey relations.

Recent Publications

  • Colella-Soyaltın, Didem; Saatçioğlu, Beken; Buhari-Gülmez, Didem (2022) “Illiberal Challenges to the European Union’s Legitimacy from within and without: The Rule of Law and Refugee Crises”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31:4, 1192-1205, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2022.2112158 (SSCI).
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken (2022) “Rising Illiberalism in the European Periphery and the EU’s Application of Membership Conditionality for Democratic Governance”, In: Diğdem Soyaltın-Colella (ed.) EU Good Governance Promotion in the Age of Democratic Decline, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 49-70.
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken (2022) “AB’nin Geleceği” [The Future of the EU], In: Seçkin Barış Gülmez and Didem Buhari (eds.) Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş [Introduction to International Relations], Ankara: Orion Kitabevi, p. 381-398.
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken and Funda Tekin (eds.) (2021) Turkey and the European Union: Key Dynamics and Future Scenarios, Nomos.
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken (2021) “EU-Turkey Relations: Towards a Transactional Future amid Conflictual Cooperation”? in: Saatçioğlu and Tekin (eds.) Turkey and the European Union: Key Dynamics and Future Scenarios, Nomos, p.189-206.
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken (2020) “The EU’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Battleground among Many Europes”, European Politics and Society, 22:5, 808-823, DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2020.1842693.